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Types of News that Must be Read before Trading

by Didimax Team

It is not a secret anymore that there are some types of news which are important for trading. That is why; so many people recommend you to read it before doing that activity. Why? 

The information contained in the forex news is often needed to perform fundamental analysis. As we know fundamental analysis is strongly influenced by various events that occur in different parts of the world.

Some of these news categories usually relate to economic conditions as well as monetary policy in a country and will affect the value of the currency. Here are those categories. 


The ISM – MI

It is one types of news which can be found in the forex market. The ISM – MI stands for the institute of supply management – manufacturing index. It is quite common in the industry. 

This is the announcement released monthly during the business hours where information is contained about the results of surveys involving manufacturing industries and purchasing managers in the United States.

This forex information is used to know the manufacturing index. If the number of ISM-MI rises, it is certain that the currency in the country will strengthen. That is the general measurement to know. 

Trade Balance and CCI

Trade balance is the difference between the export value and the import number of a country. Forex fundamental release that shows a positive Trade Balance value in a country can be an indication.

It is an indication that the situation of the country's currency will be stronger. Meanwhile, the CCI stands for the consumer confidence index. It is an indicator for the future economic conditions. 

Usually the information about this CCI is released every end of the month. If a country's CCI shows a positive level then it is an indication that the currency in that country will be higher.

The GDP and PPI

The GDP or Gross Domestic Product is GDP is the value of production in a country. Forex release that shows the GDP number of a country increases, then the country's currency will automatically strengthen.

Meanwhile, what is the meaning of PPI? PPI is called the producers price index. PPI is used to measure the inflation rate from the manufacturer's side and it is usually released monthly. 

If the PPI value released in these types of news shows an increase then this becomes an indicator that the value of a country's currency will also strengthen. That is the thing to remember. 

The NFP or Non-Farm Payroll and Money Supply

NFP news is  the information about the amount of value a country spends on salary payments in fields outside agriculture. If that value increases, it is likely that the value of the currency will increase significantly.

It is especially in a location of the related area. Meanwhile, the money supply shows three important things. Those are the amount of bank loans to the public, the amount of money circulating in the community, and the amount of debt. 

It is especially the debt that has not been settled by the government. The increased value of the money supply will make the value of the currency is also rising. 

The Interest Rate Statement

Usually the information about interest rate statement is released every month by the Central Bank of a country. This news contains interest rate policies that will be used as guidelines by other banks. 

Joining the best forex broker will be helped to know the latest news. It is because they always provide the member to let the members aware about the latest information happened. 

The Didimax forex market is the best option so far. You can join to this broker easily by opening their official website. The deposit is so cheap and its withdrawal is quite fast. 

So, enjoy the best experience of trading with Didimax. You can get the amazing platform to get a profitable trading. Join now and get the latest types of news from now. 



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