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The Dangerous Traps in Trading You Should Avoid

by Didimax Team

It is not a lie that there are some dangerous traps in Trading that must be known and avoided by the traders. It is especially if you are a beginner in this industry. 

Making a mistake is actually a normal thing to do. As time goes by you will be able to learn from those mistakes and then becoming better in facing the forex market. 

Unfortunately, so many traders are still making the same mistakes times by times, so you can call it as a trap. Here are the common mistakes that you have to learn.


One of the Most Dangerous Traps in Trading: Dont Have Any Plans

The professional people and well experienced traders always make a proper plan before trading. He already knew when the right time to buy and sell is. 

Besides that, he has also considered the risk wisely. Unfortunately, most beginners nowadays are still ignoring this strategy where it may triggers some effects. 

The examples are the smaller chance to get a profit and the unsafe capital owned by the traders. Don’t forget to have a good risk management as well. 

Do not use the Stop Loss Tool

One of the traps in Trading that you should realize is when a trader doesn’t use any stop loss tool. The price movement volatility in a forex market is so high and it is difficult to predict. 

A high price can be declining drastically and accidentally. This stop loss toll can be used by the traders when the prices are having the reversal moving with their predictions. 

This stop loss is very useful for limiting the movement so that the loss you may get is not that huge. It is also good to stay away from the margin call. 

Trading Based on the Others'decision

These traps in Trading are when you are entering a market only because the currency pair market there is crowded. It means that you don’t have the clear goal and direction. 

In fact, this situation will make a trader is unsure about when to get out from that area. However, it is possible that he has a late momentum to enter a market.

So, when you entered there, the others have been left. That will make the prices reverse and make you experienced the loss. 

Ignoring the Number of Lots Usage

Lots are the amount of transactions you use to enter the market. Managing the amount of lots used will help someone to avoid large losses in a short time or margin call.

Beginner traders when entering the area tend to ignore the use of these lots. It is because they think that the bigger the lot used, the greater the profit that can be obtained. 

However, they forget that the risks which face are just as great. That is why; always remember the usage of these number of lots rules 

Maintain the Psychology 

When you enter the market make sure to be not carried away by panic by the state of the situation that is declining or rising. Psychology will affect the discipline mindset for the plan made before. 

Don’t forget to choose the best forex broker to ensure the most comfortable and profitable activities. It must be the legal one, has the competitive prices, and also has various platforms. 

The answer is for sure the Didimax forex broker. It has been in this forex industrial since the year of 200 where it also offers the low spread. Didimax is suitable for beginners or even professional. 

Join now and do the registration for free from the Didimax official website. It will be one of the best strategies to stay away from the traps in trading right now. 



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