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Terms Used in Forex Trading that Important to Knew

by Didimax Team

One of the important things when communicating in the foreign exchange is terms used, so traders and brokers need to know many kinds of terms used in forex trading. So, communicate fluently.
When creating communication in the Forex, traders and brokers use the terms to give information about foreign exchange conditions. So, there are special terms to use.  
So, let's know about terms used in this forex business. Even more, for all you as a beginner trader or someone who wants to know this business very much. 



5 of Terms Used in Forex Trading

When traders communicate with each other, always use special terms.  So, the point of communication is that we can accept each other. That's why there are some terms of Forex. 
Every business needs communication to make it is large. Thus, a business owner can create good communication use terms on the business. So, forex business does. 
There are some terms in the trading. But this article will explain about 5 terms only. Thus, traders can build good communication with each other. Here are 5 terms used in forex trading:
1. Breakout
A trader can use Breakout if its position about trend passes away support line and resistance line. Thus, it creates an area on the graphics to show breakout conditions. 
Area breakout in the graphics will appear in trend position at this time. So, traders can see where is pair of Forex which uptrend for this day. 
Traders should follow the trend every time because it can give influence a trader to make decisions. Especially, a breakout area is formed, so traders do not buy forex. 
2. Spread
When the condition in the Forex market shows the price for selling and trader will get a profit because of the price gap. This condition is called the spread. 
So, everyone can know it as important hunting. Every trader has an orientation to get spread. Therefore, traders always use accurate analysis and create the best strategy. 
Spread can be got by traders because price gap between the buying price and selling price. Thus, the trader needs to know the right timing to get spread. Including the right time for buying and the right time for selling. 
3. Bearish and Bullish
In the Forex trading, near with trend development. A. So, traders know terms used in forex trading such as Bearish and Bullish which show related trends for this time. 
Terms Bearish can be used for trading if the condition pair of Forex is a downtrend. The position of the downtrend can show that's pair of Forex has a low price. 
Bullish can be used as a term when the Forex market for pair currency is on an uptrend. One pair of the currency reaches the highest price because the pair Forex is liked. 
4. Leverage
This term is used to show the ratio. The best ratio in the Forex is not more than the margin. But, traders can borrow leverage from brokers. 
Brokers will show leverage with higher than margin. It's okay, but traders must know that leverage is the same debt. So, in the last period , traders should pay it. 
No less fake brokers will be promoted to give high leverage. Maybe it will be attractive but traders must be careful with fraud by brokers to run out their money. 
5. Swing Trading
Every trader is always oriented to get profit. Thus, traders will see a position by graphics. When forex position is uptrend and traders buy some forex. It is called swing trading.
Swing trading is one of the terms used in forex trading to make a bargaining position in the Forex. Swing trading is one of strategy in the Forex. 
A trader will take a swing trading position because of broker give information about the chance about high price in the market of forex and intermediary to good customers.
Communication is important for business, especially in this business. a trader needs the best broker. The best broker with good communication is the Didimax forex broker. Therefore, every businessman must know about the terms used in forex trading. 



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