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How to Maximize Forex Profits Using Scalping Strategy

by Didimax Team

Scalping is a forex trading strategy that relies on technical analysis and is commonly used to maximize forex profits. Known as one of the methods that can provide quick profits, it's no wonder that many traders want to learn more about this one strategy.

Forex traders who use this strategy will try to "pick" small profits but it is done in a row, which these traders are often referred to as Scalpers. Usually, this scalping strategy is used to plan the best entry and exit techniques, so that traders can maximize potential profit and limit losses according to risk management settings.

Scalping, which is also one of the most popular forex trading strategies among Indonesian traders at the best forex broker, is able to produce a very high trading frequency, which is between tens to hundreds a day, even though the average profit per position is relatively small, which is around 5 - 15 pips.

In general, in some strategies apart from scalping, most forex traders will leave their positions open for a long period of time, between several hours to several days, weeks, or even more, the goal is that they can get a large profit, between 20 to 1000 pips.

Whereas in scalping trading, you won't find this because scalpers will usually take small profits that they can get in just a matter of minutes, and this is done in succession until they reach the desired daily profit target.


Reasons for Scalping are Widely Used to Maximize Forex Profits

The reason is because this scalping method is considered to be one of the "safest" forex trading strategies to use. Usually, scalper traders will (open a position at a low time-frame and hold that position for a fairly short time span compared to non-scalper traders.

Therefore, observations on overall market conditions are very limited, and the risks arising from market price movements are also smaller. Then, what other advantages does this scalping strategy have for your trading?

The first advantage of this scalping technique is that you can get maximum trading results in a relatively short time span because these scalpers will be in and out of the market in just a matter of minutes, which means you can maximize forex profits.

This means that scalping strategy users don't have to wait for hours or even days just to get profit from forex. Just trade on small time frames like M1, M5, and M15, a scalper can get results.

You won't Worry about the Position Floating

Another advantage that you can get from a scalping strategy to maximize forex profits is that you don't need to worry or worry about thinking about floating positions. For some traders, this floating position is something that might be quite annoying and often makes you anxious, especially if we don't understand market conditions and where the price will move.

Because when the position taken is floating, we only have two choices between being left alone with a sense of anxiety, or actually doing a cut-loss. Meanwhile scalpers rarely let their transactions sway because they are carried away floating when market movements are no longer as expected.

No wonder at that time a scalper would exit the market by making a cut-loss because the strategy they used was not to predict long-term market price movements. A scalper is able and courageous to enter the forex market even with small capital. You can learn scalping through the free educational service of the Didimax forex broker.

When you try to trade, do it on a demo account to learn and master the strategies that you will use when trading using a real account. It is your duty to maximize forex profits every time you open a transaction.



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