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Forex Trend Analysis: Surviving in FX-trade During Pandemic

by Didimax Team

With the increase of the traders in foreign exchange market, forex trend analysis is truly needed to make the situation stable. Report says that this currency industry has increased to 300% since the COVID-19 happened. The highest number of traders who just joined comes from several areas like Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe, and Africa.
Not only in trading activity, the steep increases also seem to get higher if we’re looking at how they try to find the best forex broker. With a lot of easiness like players can trade remotely, joining this market will look promising in the future.
So, in order to make your trade activity run well, it is essential for you to learn what the trend of this currency market looks like. And below we bring you the explanations.



Forex Trend Analysis: Throwback to the 2020

As we mentioned before, the pandemic has brought a devastating impact on global trade. High number of new traders doesn’t mean it will be easier to gain profit here. Instead, the 2020 FX trading brings economic uncertainty, with disruptions coming over the trade, and isolationism increased, making this market looks so tough to navigate.
As the foreign exchange market in 2020 looks volatile, looking for the forex trend analysis will give you help for facing the upcoming years. Another thing to be concerned about is also how the traders behave during the pandemic.
With vaccines having been rolled out, many countries are starting to open up trade based on safety protocols. For that reason, global trades are also creating a great shape, including currency markets. The 2020 FX-trade however will likely become more stable.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Forex trading

As we bring you throwback to the 2020 situation, below we give you the details of how’s the COVID-19 brought impact, so you can use the forex trend analysis to avoid any risks:
1. Pandemic will possibly continue for a long time and keep making a profound impact not only on the financial market but also the currency exchange market.
2. The pandemic also leads to the increase of unemployment rate and maybe it can affect the great financial crisis. It works by soar the demand of the dollar that makes investors look for a safe currency.
3. Demand for dollars is affected by the emotional gauges that come in short-term. However, it wouldn’t appraise the mass unemployment or vast government borrowing as it only happens due to the long-term impact.

More Individual FX Traders

Another trend that you may also find during the pandemic is the FX traders that become more individual. It looks like a common trend that happens prevalently along 2020, and of course it will continue in 2021.
Individual investors are the part of those who still run the FX trade without any help from the commercial companies or investment bankers. There will be self-reliant trading professional floods into this market. However, it can also be the great time for any individual traders to gather up some clients to build a good record.

How Can Didimax Help You?

So, are you the sort of investors that just entered the market during the post-pandemic era? Ensure you’ve been ready with payment infrastructure that can help you maximize your operation optimization.
To find the best broker that can provide what you need, we suggest you put your trust in didimax forex broker. Didimax is the company that provides unique real-time forex trend analysis which can help you to find the best trading strategies in the currency exchange market.
Well, we couldn’t say that it will be easy to survive in foreign exchange market as the situation is still surrounded by threats of the pandemic. So, getting into the forex trend analysis would be the most crucial thing for any traders to consider.



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